5 Star: Our Top Hospitality Management Articles This Financial Year

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Here's a look at the management, best practice and customer service topics our audience of hospitality professionals were most interested in over the past financial year. Does your business need a strategy overhaul?

Whether you manage a bar, hotel, restaurant or any other hospitality business, it's an ongoing challenge to keep the bottom line healthy and keep customers coming back for more.

Check out this list of our top tips and how-to guides to help manage your business effectively:

5 Reasons to be Excited About Hospitality in 2015

Published 2 February 2015

Tourism is now the biggest industry in the world, accounting for a whopping 9 per cent of global GDP (per Forbes). It's also the world's largest employer with one in every eleven people on the planet working in the tourism and travel industry. READ MORE

Hospitality workplace policies – is your business covered?

26 November 2014

Work visas, employee contracts, drugs and alcohol policies, health and safety regulations, and even data collection laws – nobody ever said hospitality SMEs have it easy when it comes to administrative responsibilities not directly related to their core business goals. READ MORE


Key Steps for Hiring the Best Restaurant Manager

27 October 2014

Restaurant managers have a significant impact on the success and profitability of a restaurant. Despite being one of the most important hires in the industry, many owners conduct a search without a protocol that will lead them to the right candidate. READ MORE

7 Examples of Creative Hospitality Marketing

Published 20 October 2014

Large and small businesses alike strive for maximum exposure from their marketing efforts, and hospitality marketing in particular requires creativity to attract notoriously fickle customers always looking for the 'next big thing'. READ MORE

How to ensure restaurant guests leave satisfied

Published 10 October 2014

Restaurant managers are programmed to ensure guests leave feeling satisfied with their dining experience. While smart hospitality operators use social media and review sources to gauge performance, it can be difficult to measure true satisfaction. After all, the average visitor doesn’t offer candid feedback before leaving. READ MORE

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